Tag Archives: success

Goals are for Losers

 I mean that literally- goals are for people struggling to lose weight!!

I stole the joke and the thought from Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert at http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304626104579121813075903866?mod=wsj_valettop_email

His logic is that if you are goal obsessed you are going to feel inadequate until that goal is reached and purposeless

afterwards. Instead he advocates a systems approach. 

 http://blogs.hbr.org/2010/05/when-your-goal-is-the-impossib/. Thinking about the Dream Impossible

and how to make it come true or die trying. There’s a catalogue of people who proved experts and critics wrong.at http://www.motivationtoday.com/motivation_articles/achieving_impossible_goals_by_ignoring_the_experts.php

 Seems to me setting impossible dreams and then working to make them come true is an Incrediblae way to live your life