
So call me a dreamer! Someday a world government, a world religion, a world language. The end of wars and miseries.The death of disease. The prophet Isaiah (circa 800-700 BC)  paints a vista of the great peace: “…and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” Socrates (circa 469-399 BC)  declared: “I am not Athenian nor Greek, but a citizen of the world.”( The fusion of all nations, classes, races and creeds. The Bahai ideal of the Most Great Peace..

Nation states were created through violence and coercion. talks about the difficulties of creating global peace, about a supranational global order, global justice and global ethics.

Pogge recommends a global resource dividend to be paid by all nations to tackle problems  such as  gross poverty

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